S. D. Gordon


August 12, 1859
June 26, 1936
Related topics
Temptation, Prayer, Jesus Christ, Second Advent, Conduct of life,


Samuel Dickey (S.D.) Gordon was born in 1859 in the city of Philadelphia. Gordon was devoted to devotionals. He wrote,"The greatest thing anyone can do for God and for man is to pray." For a decade, Gordon worked with the YMCA of Philadelphia in various capacities. His oratory skills put him in high demand for preaching and lecturing. He was a prolific writer, with the bulk of his work being devotional books. Gordon wrote a series of books titled"Quiet Talks.," on prayer, service, Jesus, power, and many other topics (22 in all). His Quiet Talk About Jesus explained Gordon's beliefs regarding dispensational premillennialism. Gordon died in 1936.

Wailand Groenendyk
CCEL Staff Writer

Influence of S. D. Gordon

Works published by S. D. Gordon

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