
« Antoine Pagi Francois Pagi Pagnino, Santes »

Francois Pagi

François Pagi

French ecclesiastical historian, nephew of Antoine Pagi. Born 7 September, 1654, at Lambesc in Provence; died 21 January, 1721 at Orange. After studying with the Oratorians at Toulon, he became a Conventual Franciscan, was three times provincial, and assisted his uncle in the correction of the "annales" of Baronius. Besides editing the "Critica" of his uncle (Antoine Pagi) he wrote a history of the popes up to the year 1447: "Breviarium historico-chronologico-criticum illustriora Pontificum romanorum gesta, conciliorum generalium acta . . . complectens" (4 vols., Antwerp, 1717-27). The history was continued in two volumes by his nephew, Antoine Pagi, the Younger (Antwerp, 1748-53).


« Antoine Pagi Francois Pagi Pagnino, Santes »
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