
« Church of America Church History Church, Alfred J. »

Church History


Church History: 2, 10; 3, 96; 8, 95-96

history, manuals of: 3, 99

history, stenography and: 11, 77-79

of Ireland: 6, 27

of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. See Mormons

of the Living God: 7, 1

Luther on the: 3, 83; 7, 77; 9, 114, 291, 294

maintenance: 3, 76

Manichean: 7, 157

Missionary Society: 7, 409; 11, 235; 12, 317

music: 1, 151, 152, 203; 5, 37, 57, 95, 140, 167, 240, 426; 7, 226; 8, 257-259, 320; 9, 364, 491; 10, 148-162, 359-360; 11, 254

notes of the: 8, 196

Occam on the: 8, 217, 218

and the O. T.: 2, 392-393

ordeals in: 8, 251, 252

Order: 3, 100

orders, German: 1, 84-85

orders, in Prussia: 1, 106-108

organization of the Early: 1, 245; 8, 259-267. See also Bishop and Polity, ecclesiastical

Patron Saint: 3, 100

philanthropy of: 10, 466-481

reform of: 1, 54; 3, 249, 441

Registers: 3, 101-103

Ritschl on: 10, 45

in Rome: 10, 72

of St. Mary, Bethlehem: 2, 74

and School: 3, 103-105

of Scotland: 9, 205-209; 10, 10, 300, 386; 11, 236

social service of the: 10, 466-482

and State: 2, 301, 381, 382; 3, 105-112, 159-160, 210-218, 230; 4, 137, 142, 236, 352, 425; 6, 272, 273; 9, 85, 113, 116, 269-271, 296, 301; 10, 51; 11, 55; 12, 87, 198, 199

Occam on: 8, 219

Wyclif on: 12, 457-459, 464

Triumphant: 3, 112, 185

under Alexander Severus: 1, 121

union: 9, 5; 12, 66-81. See also Succession, apostolic

Vatican doctrine of the: 12, 151

Visitations: 3, 112

Year: 2, 342-345; 3, 114

« Church of America Church History Church, Alfred J. »
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