
« Reformation, The Reformation, in Halle Reformation movements in Spain »

Reformation, in Halle


Reformation, in Halle: 1, 105; 6, 224

in Hesse: 6, 402; 9, 25

in Hungary: 3, 413; 9, 422

in Husum: 11, 273

in Inner Austria: 5, 493

in Italy: 6, 67; 8, 220; 9, 486; 12, 165, 166

in Königsberg: 1, 106

in Mainz: 1, 105

in Memmingen: 10, 184, 226

in Navarre: 7, 178

in the Netherlands: 2, 262; 9, 422

in Norway: 8, 195

in Nuremberg: 6, 491; 11, 41

in Oldenburg: 8, 233

in the Palatinate: 5, 204

in Pfalz-Zweibruecken: 10, 281, 282

in Poland: 9, 106

in Prussia: 1, 106-108

in Reutlingen: 1, 103, 104

in Riga: 6, 358

in Saint Gall: 6, 321; 12, 278, 279

in Scandinavia: 9, 422

in Schaffhausen: 10, 47

in Scotland: 9, 424

in Strasburg: 2, 322, 408; 11, 121; 12, 502

in Stuttgart: 10, 255-256

in Sweden: 11, 177-179

in Switzerland: 9, 420

in Transylvania: 5, 357-358

in Ulm: 10, 184-185

in Valtellina: 12, 137, 138

in Waldeck: 12, 32, 33

in Wuerttemberg: 1, 103; 2, 198; 3, 66; 5, 90; 10, 255; 12, 451

in Zurich: 2, 300; 6, 242; 12, 539-543

« Reformation, The Reformation, in Halle Reformation movements in Spain »
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