
« Zwilling. See Zwingli, Huldreich Zwingli's baptismal service »

Zwingli, Huldreich

Zwingli, Huldreich: 2, 360, 361; 5, 407; 8, 223; 9, 278, 297; 12, 538-546

and Anabaptists: 1, 161; 12, 541

on baptism: 1, 439; 12, 541

Bullinger and: 2, 300

Butzer and: 2, 323

on the Church: 3, 84

on church discipline: 3, 87

church orders of: 1, 85

Eck and: 4, 66

on dogmatics: 3, 475

on infant salvation: 5, 490

on the kingdom: 6, 337

on Lord's Supper: 7, 35; 12, 397

Luther and: 7, 75, 168; 12, 397-399, 541

Melanchthon and: 7, 280, 281

as preacher: 9, 166

on providence: 9, 309

as reformer: 9, 421

and theological education: 11, 331

on three creeds: 1, 338

on restorationism: 1, 211

on ubiquity: 12, 52

« Zwilling. See Zwingli, Huldreich Zwingli's baptismal service »
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