Showing 106 terms beginning with Z.
- Zabarella, Francesco
- Zaccaria, Antonio M.
- Zachariæ, Gotthilf T.
- Zachariah
- Zacharias, Pope
- Zacharias (biographer)
- Zaddikim
- Zadok
- Zadokites
- Zafed
- Zahir, al-'Amr
- Zahn, Josef
- Zaida
- Zairi
- Zakkari
- Zalman of Liozna
- Zamet, Sebastian
- Zanchi, Girolamo
- Zangahara
- Zangwill, Israel
- Zanzibar
- Zaphon
- Zapletal, Vincenz
- Zápolya, J. S.
- Zarathushtra
- Zared, Zered
- Zarephath
- Zartush Nama
- Zeal
- Zealots
- Zebaoth
- Zebi, Shabbethai
- Zeboiim
- Zechariah (king of Israel)
- Zechariah (the Prophet)
- Zedekiah
- Zeisberger, David
- Zeitblom, Bartholome
- Zelah
- Zell, Katharina
- Zeller, Christian H.
- Zēlos
- Zelotes
- Zend Avesta
- Zeno of Citium
- Zenobia of Palmyra
- Zenop Glak
- Zenos, Andreas C.
- Zephaniah
- Zephyrinus, Pope
- Zerbolt van Zuetphen, Gerard
- Zered, Brook
- Zerubbabel
- Zeus Belus
- Zezschwitz, Karl A. G. von
- Zidon
- Ziegenbalg, Bartholomæus
- Ziegenhagen, F. M.
- Ziegler, Jakob
- Zigabenus
- Ziklag
- Zillerthal, Evangelicals of
- Zillerthalers
- Zimmer, Karl F.
- Zimmermann, Michael
- Zimmern, Heinrich
- Zimri
- Zimrida
- Zin
- Zinzendorf, Nicolaus L.
- Zion, Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in
- Zionism
- Ziph
- Zipporah
- Zirat al-Balla'
- Ziru
- Zitzewitz, Nikolaus von
- Zoan
- Zoar
- Zobah
- Zoeckler, Otto
- Zoepffel, Richard O.
- Zoglio, count
- Zohar
- Zollikofer, Georg J.
- Zonaras, Johannes
- Zone
- Zonists
- Zorah
- Zori
- Zoroaster
- Zoroastrianism
- Zosimus, Pope
- Zschokke, Johann H. D.
- Zuetphen, Gerard Z. van
- Zunz, Leopold
- Zurich
- Zwemer, Samuel M.
- Zwick, Johannes
- Zwickau Prophets
- Zwicker, Daniel
- Zwilling. See
- Zwingli, Huldreich
- Zwingli's baptismal service
- Zwolle, school of
- Zygadenus, Euthymius