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r J `Ill; present volume completes the manual edition of the Cambridge Septuagint. The work was commenced in 18183; the first volume appeared in IHH;, the second in t8gt. Little is needed by way of preface to this last instalment of along task. The general principle, upon which the edition is based were stated in the preface to the first volume, and both the earlier volumes have been accompanied by some account of the '15S. used in the preparation of the text an<[ notes. It remains only to add particulars relating to the volume which is now in the reader's hands.
In the Prophets it has been possible to employ, in addition to the great codices BNA, the Codex Marchalianus (Q), the Codex rescriptus Cryptoferratensis (1'), and the Dublin fragments of Isaiah (O), as well as those edited by Tischendorf ('/.). It is well known that in Daniel the text of the LXY. is preserved in one INIS. only, a cursive, and not earlier than the ninth century. Before the days of )erome the Church had ceased to read the Septuagint of Daniel, its room having been tilled by the version attributed to Theodotiont. This is not the place to attempt an explanation of the fact, or to discuss the relation of the two versions to one another and to the original. But since the present is an edition of ` the old 'testament in (reek according to the I.\.,' the I.\. version has been restored in Daniel to the place of honour, whilst we have placed opposite to it at each opening the version of Theodotion, which, as the Greek Daniel of the Church Bible. must always he indispensable to the student of ancient Christian literature as well as of the literary history anti the criticism oft he
I Micron. /trwf in Daniel.: "illutl ritto c ue lectorcrrt admoneo, l lauiclem nom iuxta ~A?C. interprctes sed ittxta Theothrtienem ecdenias lcgere:" Cf. ~l(nl. ad Rn/i". ii.: "ecclesiae ittxta Thecxtotiouetn legunt I)attik-lem. Ego (116(1 ;tecc.,vi, Si ecciesiarttttt iudicium ,ettuutm suit,?"
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]took. Daniel is unfortunately wanting in N; Intt BAQ, together with I' and a newly acquired Bodleian fragment (.1) of a portion of Rt·1 and the Dr-aA,ou, supply a fair amount of uncial authority for the text of Theodotion. The Septuagint text has been derived from Cozza's transcript of the Chigi MS.; but it has been thought desirable to follow Tischendorf's example and to give at the foot of the page the readings of the Syro-hexaplaric version, our only other authority. For this purpose a collation of Ceriani's photolithograplt of the Syriac NIS.' has been made by Norman McLean, Esq., Fellow of Christ's College, who has kindly superintended the passage of its readings through the Press, and has supplied the editor with a description of the 1115., which will be found in the proper place.
The great Vatican NIS., whose text and order we have generally ft>1 lowed, ends with the Prophets. For the Books of the 'Maccabees we have been compelled to look elsewhere, and since the Codex Alexandrinus is the only early Uncial which contains them all, the text of that 1115. has been adopted throughout 2; in the notes to these ]looks use has been made of the code'. Sinaiticus so far as it is available, and of the important although relatively late Codex Venettts, which has been newly collated for this purpose.
The Books of the Maccabees are followed by three collections whiclt, if they cannot in strictness be said to belong to the Greek ()hl Testament, have some peculiar claims to a place at the close of the Alexandrian Bible. The Psalms of Solomon, though not actually included in any uncial NIS., at the time followed the New Testament in the Codex Alexandrinus, and are to be found in several cursive n1SS. of the Sapicutial Books. The .Book of Enoch bolds an important position in pre-Christian Jewish literature, and is cited in the New Testament; and the extant fragments of the (:reek version of Enoch deserve for many reasons the serious attention of Itlbltcal Students. The 'Odes' are printed as they appear at the end of the palter of Codex Alexandrlnns, with the various readings of the Verona and Zurich TISS., the former from 13ianchini's transcript, verified 1>y a personal examination of the AIS., the latter from '1'ischendorf's facsimile-3. Some interest will he found in comparing the text of the (1111 Testament Canticles as they appear in 1S. Psalters with that which they present in the ]looks front which they
t A. Ceriani: Cotfe.r Sym-hr-raglans sary to admit a consitlerable number of I,nhrosinnns fit«eto-lifhokr,rthhc erfifus aerreetieuts from the whir IS155. ()cm. (le-etiol. 1874). sionally all ill(- nn,ial 1NI`S. are at fault 9 Apart !root the convenience of this anel here a omjecture leis been allowed arraogeneeot, the nelee:tion is herbal_ ju,ti- to take :t Provisional ],lace in the text. In tied on the whole by the character of the all sne-h cases tin- rejected readings are A text of the :Slaccabees. lint the copy recorded in the metes. which the scribe of A follows was so care- a See Vol. ii. pp. ix.-xi. leasly written that it has been found tteces-
vii |
tire severally derived. Tile New Testament Canticles and the fl1Avos iwtOtvos have been allowed to retain the place which they hold in the Psalter of Codex A.
We proceed to give some account of;1115. not pieviously described aiuf used in the afparaltts of the present volume.
CODA INIAh<;tIALIANUS, Vat. C:r. 212;.Contains at present 4t6 leaves of thin vellum, nteastariiig tt'yx7 inchr,, written in single colunins of ag lines, each line consisting of 24 to 30 letters. The first ra leaves, which were not (tart of the original AI S., are occupied fly (i)att extract from the Synopsis printed among the works of St Athanasius, here attributed to F:usebius; (x) extracts front the ' Lives of the Prophets' which appear in the editions of F:piph:nihis. The Prophets follow in the first hand, and in tile order of Cod. If (i.e. the order in which they are printed in the present edition).
In its original form the AIS. was without interlinear or marginal additions, except a few corrections by the tllorthnla, and the Hexaplaric marks inserted in its text. Neither breathing, nor accents seem to have been added by the first hand.
This NIS. was written in Egypt, and, in the judgement of Ceriani, not later than the sixth century. The characters are simple, firm, and free, with the exception of e, B, o, c, which are narrow, after the manner of the next century ; but this peculiarity doe, not, as Ceriani has shown, in the case of an Egyptian IS. require us to assume a later date t.
The history of the AI S. is of intich interest. It appears to have remained in Egypt until after the 9th century, and all the additions and corrections in uncial writing are by Egyptian hands. Front Egypt it passed into South Italy, probably before the rzth century, and there the patristic scholia and a few readings in the text and margin, signalised bya preliminary -yp[aofrat], seem to have been added in cent. XIII. From South Italy it was carried, perhaps by some Norman or French hand, into France, where it found a home in the Abbey of St Denys, near Paris. While in Italy the codex hats received various Latin notes, chietly renderings from tile Vulgate and other elucidations of the (reek text; and this process of annotation in Latin was carried oil after its arrival in France. In the 16th century the book passed out of the lx>ssessiotl of tile monks of St Denys and became the property first of hone Marchal (henatus Niarclialtis liatisinoraetis2), after whorn it is still named; arid subsequently of Cardinal Fran yois hocliefoucauld, to whom it belonged alaiut A.D. i(r,;G. The Cardinal Presented it to the Jesuit College of
i Ceriani, tnttrrn. f .1 36: "pro littcris r, litatur, iii e, B, o, e, forniis 1larchalianis B, o, c i:uit initia o augarinn forinarunt s:tti, proxime :u cedit." rel-mre e,t iii amiitui"unis papyri, tat Ilk l'f I. Curtciii PrirrAitts in h'satitrrt, Ili;, le Musei Brilannici . etiaiii codex praef. 0. Kamphausen oat I%t. St. u. A'r (-:optu.sl'ttltiA'n/ikia, queni llyvernat fire x869, p. 743, *act;. vi. dicit, licet crassiori typo scripturae
viii |
Clermont, near Paris; a century al:d a half later, when the treasures of tile College were dispersed, this N15. was purchased (1785) by hope Pills VI. for tile Vatican Library, where it is still preserved.
The Codex Marchalianus has been used by a succession of scholars since tile beginning of tile seventeenth century, among whom were Atorin and Alontfaucon. It was collated for the great work of l lolmes and parsons, and portions of it were edited by Tischendurf in the .llonumenla Sacral . 1>r Field used for hisllexrrfila (1875) all the materials for the presentation of its readings which were then available, and suggested and offered to defray a part of the cost of a photo-lithograph-. Ultimately a helititype of the .NIS. was published in 18l)o antler the superintendence of Cozza, and a monograph upon the Codex by Dr Antonio Ceriani, which will take its place among the classical works of Biblical palaeography, was issued simultaneously hy· the Vatican Press'.
To return to the nlS. itself. A few corrections which are coaeval with the first hand may be recognised in the heliotype by the relative thickness of the letters as well as by their form; these are denoted in this volume by ( )t . Other corrections in minute uncial characters, written by various hands and at different periods, are placed under the common symbol t)"; and tile same symbol has been used to represent the copious marginal annotations transcribed from a Ilexaplarie X11. by a hand not much later than the original scribe. This hand has also inserted before Isaiah and Ezekiel two important notes evidently copied front the )IS. which supplied tile I lexaplaric additions;; and to it is also due the writing
I VIII. ix. 1111. 227 ff. (18711). 4 'I'llese notes, e-hich throw mach light 2 t:eriani, p. ;7: "tie hoc niro, Field oil the history Loth of tile n11. anti of the praedicandiun ,Italtl circa ainmio 1875 pro 1.\., deserve :I place here. They are a, co.licis Marchaliaoi editiolic, e ill, pretii follotvS: (1)fatr Arph"t a rtaniae ano anrt- peritissillnt, ittdcx, ad tile ,cril"it xr da- ypathov I Too n0/3n )III-aptov Too Koo·o- turull, italicartim libellartill, ,watuor mil- /3laprov ,V w KaHU-TaKTO TatrTM I p<Te lia, tit tandem codex, integre ede,elur qua ArtrhHrf a ,laacas ,K T- Kara TaK ,Kdo'a<tq meliori ratione fieri poet, photo-litho- <falrAwi· al·Tt0Ar3Brt dr Kai rrpns I IT,po.· e£ graphia ·nciililw, xi recte nlenlini." arAovl· exOV TnInapaalpetjwote TnvTv J .he V,Ihoe i, t·tititled, t rophetaritn, I Bcopowern, a,p,Oms as vat a, ,Kdooc,e codex l:raectis Vaticallit, ·r125 I lielti,tate aVTt/3Art~rtan~ yap rrpos T,iTpa,,Aovl· sl uarietate lectionum liotatioliibu~ I utlictis aroal· ert de Kai npoc <Farrkotl· I rrpoc Too. aellue et in,ittnis I heliotylii,'e etlitu, I :lit- rocs Kai Ta uao Trtc aptpc ,ac Too opnpn. pice I I.emte xio. Pont. Ilax. I curante I TOC TvpOIr nKpi,6,orepoV B,OpOwrat ,j-op,,. lo,rpho Corz:i-I.nzi Abate Bauliallo I S. oal·Tes yap rwV t1a,rpt T<AOUN Too I Opapnroq Hmn. eccle,cae Ilicehibliotliccarm acre- TOp0a TOpwl· t`rtyltT KIWV i tiq TOO, goaiap ,lit ,'(III11Iirl~tat1,1,'rio,'a I t111. t,l'I:1111 :1111- wpty,r~irC K,i~ axp,f3,.1S ,1fla~ttartrT,( rll hr-ianae bibli,all.I-efecti 11 k,ltllae ~ e <,·I·o,a .a8 rt1, ,£qly,ljaaro -aT,t,. A,,piV hibliothe,'a Vati,'atia i al;ente I,ll"t"grad, to KaO.G OIOV TIe- net I Kai aal· ap4rl/3oAo,· Kara II:Ina11 I AIIK:crlAxxx. '1 'he title of l'cri. T,tl· ,Kt',ji·ovj I ,I·I·Otai· b1opBOaap,Ha xpat mli', monograph rim,: Ice codice I11ar'cha- Toorott ov,i·,KpiBTt p TWO' e'HdoIAqKOVra <K. liana I ,,:u 1'aticaun t;ra,·co 2125 1 Pro- doate I Kill npoc To ono tvael3,iov ttc To, l,hriarun, Lllh_t~ill'lil,a.irtr·. retiraexrntato l rtaamV I e,pqp-a rI, oic d",h-ovV Tqc efql_ commrrttatto I Antonii Ceriam I hihli,-the- yqa,w~ T,t.' ~VV«nV ;qTrlaa,·TCt pat I rrpot car Ambrociwiae praefrcti II komae ex avrqV R,rtp~artp,VOi. bihliothca:a Vatical1:1 I amlu Atuccexc. (z) l"T,Ath0,) de affO avTtypa¢oo Too I
ix |
which covers the first to leaves of tile l'trtlex. Qb has been used to represent the cursive (:reek hand or hands of the thirteenth century.
It has been thought Ire,( oil alto whole to udmil into the notes of this volume tile whole of the uncial writing in ll, with the exception of tile patristic matter at tire lx·gi[ming of the volume, and the memoranda oil Isaiah and Ezekiel to which reference has just been made. In tile Ilexaplaric notes tile symbols a , d (ou'), B' (Ns') repmhent file readings of Aquila, Symmachus, anti Theodolion respectively; collectively tile three versions are described as of y or simply y', Tavr<t (W~), or of Noraoi; the last term is also used when two of the versions agree against the third. (li o marks a true Septuagintal reading, where it differs from the text of ();l (Zr stands for Origen, acrd tile Ilexapla is occasionally mentioned as rd E;aQEXtdov. The llexalrlaric signs employed in the NIS. are the asterisk (x ), the obelus (-), and the melobehts. The mclobehrs bass not been represented in the mites of this edition, and the o(reli in the photograph of tire NIS. are faint anti (lifdicrrlt to (letect2. The asterisks anti obtli ill tile margins belong to ()'; those in the text were added by tire scribe or by a hand contemporary with him.
By an elaborate examination of a number of test passages, Ceriani has strewn that the original text of (2, which agrees largely vnillr that of Cyril of Alexandria and of the A(emphitic version, is on tire whole Egyptian, arid of the type which, as we learn from Jerome, was current ill 1':gypt, tile lfesycdrian recen,itrn of the 1,1X.3
CODEX RRSCRII'TUS CRYPTOFirRRATEN51S.This MS. is a lx,limpsest of tile Prophets which ha, lung; been in the. Ixrscescion of the Basilian house of (:rutty ferrata, near Frascati (. The co,lex when complete
afi/la arroAtvaptov Tov itolvogtapNov to, w f et acutos desiderant mulOS, yuia ualde in KirtIOAtTrtKT0 TOOT. garrtArf-J,Orj a 90 Twv terdunl en:,nucront, net in niarggnle -rip. Kara Tac <xdoarlc c$arrAwv Kat 1btopOolOn too a ,eriori fere ulmluntur prinln, forts_e a,ro TWV wptyevovs aurou TfITparrAwv art- Ti_ hcndOrf obelO, rctldit in;,:,rtilm, tlmts Kal avrou xttpl dtopflw ro gal ca, oAtoypa- edidit. Loco^ olio, phlres contnli, et pas t4,qTO' 00- tvotigelov cyw I Ta okoAta rrapt- sin ,kni,(Ine facile cunf,rre )),)let it." OqKa' uafutAtAoc Kat avOC,gttoq dtopo9w- a (criani, p. tub. Fur tile reference to 0.170. Jeronle see the preface 10 the fir [ vul,l_le t Thus huoiwt Tots O generally indicates of this editiull, p. x; anti for :, Ji,cu_ion the agreement of One Or more of the ver- of the llc,ychian group of 11151., comp. lion, with the lfcxaph,ric text of the Curnill, A'nckitl, p. 66 Il. LAX., as against the first hand of the 4'I'lle library of (;rotta ferrata, which c,xtex. The interpretation Of tile marginal war founded ill the eleventh century lq· notes is often a tnatlcr of some deli,:aty, Niln, of ko_ano in ('al:,I,ria, i, rit), in land the lrerple,ity of the student is occa- (;reek I1`. Of whiOl tile convent hecallte signally in, rea,ed by error, in tile attach. a faunntswnrk,h~p( IOntf:Ontm, l',rhO,r,(r orient of the notes to the text; see Cetranl, Grae,-. 1,. rt.i), ftl,_t of ih t:,cek I~. pp. i3--t5, arc palinlp,c,Vs. ('f Nlal, .1'/v, r/. Rom. t. r (;eriani, P. to: 'tattentos tauten olxli It- ii. P. J (cited by k,x:chi, I.tnlitra ('ryp.
x |
With the exception of a few fragments which have been discovered in other palimpsest MSS. belonging to the same monastery', the surviving leaves of this great codex form part of a single volume (E. ff. vii. formerly C;. ;) entitled 1OYT0.Kta gal o1KOt-, and containing liturgical anti poetical compositions accompanied by musical notation (ueumes). The hand which has written these pieces over the older writing is attributed to the 13th century. In some places the parchment is doubly palimpsest; a hand of tile Loth century having written a work of St Jt,lyit of 1)atttasctis` over the uncials, itself to undergo the same treatment from the later scribe of the hymns. Other portions of the volume originally formed part of a collection of patristic homilies°. The palimpsest of the Prophets, however, supplied the thirteenth century scribe with the greater part of his parchment; of the 38o pages which make up the present codex, about 20o belonged to it. Cozza, to whom we owe our knowledge of this n15., has found it possible to transcribe more or less fully rgt pages; but in some contexts his transcril,t5 spews large gaps, arm there are pages -*%,here the consecutive words are very few. Hence it will he precarious for the reader of this edition to draw conclusions front the silence of 1', which may lie title to the impossibility of deciphering its testiniony. To call attention in the notes to all the passages where Cozza has failed to read his ITS. would have been inconvenient and scarcely practicable. But it may he well to mention here the contexts where the transcript is conslricuously defec. live: the fragments of llosea, Autos, and ltaggai, Zech. x. lo-end, Mat. i. i i-ii. ;, Isa. Iii. r2-liii. 4, Iv. 3-fo, Jer- xx. 3 ff., li. i s H'., liar. i. i2-ii. 3, iii. 32-iv. 3ff., Lain. i. 8-ii. 1;, I·.p. of Jer. ;-16, 1·'zek. xi.
tenses, MON. p. z): "ifud peculiare CryQ- Greek offices; see Goar, Rnchnl. (Par'., teo.iom codic,nn est qtwd paene omnes ,n ttit7), ire land. n(j, notes 3r, 32. The Vcl,mp.ectis s,:ripti fuerunt;" "etenim hoc fuller title of this volume is ,yaAr,rrov ovr· to more aptrd illux monachos pnsitutn fui
xi |
Daniel. These are large deductions from the usefulness of the codex, but it may lx: holed that futther examination may ill titne to come fill up much that is wanting now.
1'`RAtiMI·:NTA Itl?SCRll"1'A TISCIIENltt)KF'IANA ISAI.1E Pkt1PIIETAF.These fragments contain Isa. iii. 8-14, v. a-14, xxix. 1t--a3, xliv, sb xlv. 5, written in a Ix>Id and somewhat coarse uncial hand of the eighth or ninth century, so far as it is possible to form a judgement froth tile specimen which Tischcndorf appends to his transcript. Tischendorf himself is disposed to place it earlier, and considers that it was written in Egypt or the neighbourhmA in the seventh century. Each column of the MS. appears to have consisted of tg lines, with 1g or zo letters to the line. Ali obclus is prefixed to Istt. iii. to (citrtit'res... 8tiaXppoto~ tj/aiv etrrw).
The fragments were founts by Tiscllendorf during one of his journeys to Egypt and the East (probably in I8;;), and published in the Alonumenla Sacra Incdila, mrv. call. vol. i. (l,ihsiae, IS_); the transcript will be found on hl). ISg--198, and the facsimile (Isa. iii. 9---1o) at the end of the volume (tar). iii. 5). The upper writing is Armenian, anti the six leaves which contain the fragments of Isaiah were probably part of the Armenian Codex to which the palimpsest fragments of the New Testament and of 1, 3 Kegg., also published iii the first volume of the Alannlncrrla, once belonged.
1'hAGMEN'rA RI·NCR11'TA IIltRLINFNIIA.These fragments (Isa. xxx. z-xxxi. 7, xxxvi. 17-xxxviii, t) are bound tip in the volume which contains the well-known palimpsest of St nlatthew ('l.), one of tile treasures of the library of Trinity College, Dublin. The volume consists of tto leaves, and the later writing (° cent. xi.) presents extracts front various (;reek fathers and ecclesiastical author. Sixty-nine of the leaves are palimpsest; of these twenty-nine originally contained portion, of the orations of Gregory of Nazianzus, thirty-two belonged to the Gospel of St Matthew, and eight to Isaiah. The eight leaves which yield fragments of Isaiah were but four in the original codex. Each of the original leaves measured at least 12X9 inches; the writing was in two columns of 36 lines, wilt' 14-17 letters in each line. With two or three exceptions the character resemble generally those of the fragments of St Matthew, and probably belong to the same age; the forms of the A and Nt point to an Egyptian scriber, and the general style of the writing is that of the early sixth century. There are no large initials, the abbreviations are few and simple; breathings and accents are entirely wanting, and the writing is continuous, except where a space denotes a break in the sense; the punctuation is limited to the use of a single point.
1 E. Mannde Thonlpsotl, Czt,rk and Iafin Palrrengnrphy, p. 154·
xii |
The fragments of St lattllew wereedited 1ty 1)r J. Barrett in ,Hot, when attention was briefly called to the fragments of Isalahl. The latter have linen published in facsimile by Dr T. K. Abbott, Professor of Hebrew, sometime .Professor of Eiblical Greek, in the University of Dublin-, to whose account of the NIS. the above description is chiefly clue. The Isaiah fragment was collated for Ilolntes ant[ Parsons, and in their edition is denominated VIII: Lagarde distinguishes it as O, and Iris symbol has been used in the present volume.
COt11EA CIIIStANITS, lliblioth. ('his. Roln. R. vii. 4;.This NIS. Contains Jeremiah. 1larttch, Lamentations, f :p. of Jeremiah, Daniel Karl ro~s o', Hippolytus on Daniel, Daniel (Th.), F7ekiel, Isaiah. Since there are no signatures, and both Daniel and Ezekiel begin fresh quires, it is impossible to say whether the order of the books is that of the original codex. .The present AIS. is a large folio of 402 leaves, in gatherings of 8. The handwriting aplwars to belong to the Calahrian school of Greek calligraphy, and the date usually assigned to it is the ninth century'.
The MS. once belonged to Pope Alexander VII., a member of the Chigi family, who recognised its importance and entrusted the publication of the text to Leo Allatius, al that time librarian of the Vatican. Leo proceeded with his work so far as to procure a complete copy of the: codex, and this transcript is still preserved amollg the Chigi DISS. (=R. vii. 46). A century later 13ianchini took ill) the work, and after his death the rdilio j,riuceps appeared at Rome in 1772. Among later editions are those of llchaells, Segaar, liugati, and Ilahn; and the text was published in succession by Holmes and Parsons, Alai, and Tischendorf. Meanwhile the MS. itself had received little attention, Until at the suggestion of Vercellone a critical edition was untlertakelt ltf Cozza, whose labours, published in the third part of his T i'lnslissi»ra ffrrrsrntt·rrla, have at length provitletl Biblical scholars with an adequate transcript of this unique MS.
The Oxford editors quote two Chigi 1S5. oil the Prophets, which they call )i7 and 88. J'jejj14, however, has shewn that their 88 is Leo Allatius's
t Fvvrngelium sec. Mnlthrt ·uut ex rodire tere saeculi ix. Continet Prophetae om. rrstrr~6lo oJ.ora et studio 7onuuis liar- ties . incipit ab <).ea I'r tt,ht,ta." l'ru~ rrll, S.'h.P. (Dublinii, 18o1): see prolegg., ad .7er. "87, (.'odes ltiblioth. Chisianae, p. t. min. ii. (cf. I'raef. ad Esaiam). 84 l:,t<iex ! l'ar 1'alilniserlorum hrrhliuensium: aiblioth. Chkianae, 1111111. iii. memhrana The ('odes rest rr~olus Dublirrrnsis of cc us in folio. V'idetur es<e tran,criptos Alalfhne's Gos,,,cl; also lkejrrrr:·tuiwls tf alt. 880. (,'online., 4 1'rophetas t11ajores, the Rook of lsnurk by %'. A-. A Mott, li.l). cum Baruch et Atmcutn : sed incihit ah (Ituhlin and 1etndon 188·,). lli,-remia. largini ad.crihuntur l 'ollatio 3 .The facsimile of Thren. v t4-_.l";p. nes Atludac, `c., fic" l'rael. ad l)·1re. Jer. 2 which may lie seen in ltianchini, "87, saec. forte x, deficit a voce. ,.,forela,e Vindiriae, p. cclxxv, suggests a later date cal). ix, 3, ad 7ill ao~tv trov, cap. ix, ig. (?cent. xi). 88, saec. xi roetmet textuin Theodotio 4 l'rnv~ ad F·sa.: "87, Codex Itihlio- naeum et So-lit mtgintauiralettt." F'ield's thecae Chicianae in f11. scriptus charac- remarks on 88 (Parwns) will he found it t
xiii |
copy, and altalidons tile task of identifying llieir 8;, while he uses the latter number for the trite Chisian text. In this we have followed hint, citing "his. h. vii. 45 as 8;.
CODEX SYxtt-111·AAI'LAttis A1mnRt111ANUh, Iliblitith. Atiibros. nledittl. C. 313. Inf.
Contain, Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Fcclesiastes, Caiiticlec, Wisdom, F1llesiasticus, and all the Prophets, from the literal Syria, version of the entire I.XX. made from a hexaplar text in the years 616-617 by Paul, llislutp of'I'ella 111ie-4lauzelath or Coll stantina. The 1115. is of soitiewhat thick parchment, and almost everywhere well preserved. It contains rq3 leaves of 1q] X 101 inches: there are two columns to the page, each containing abut 55 lines. The character is a well-formed, somewhat thick Estrangelo, very easily read. The titles, most headings of chapters and lessons, ornaments, and sometimes the larger points, are in red: occasionally other colours are employed. The asterisks and oheli of Origen s LXX. are fitithfully reproduced, and many extracts from the other Greek versions are given. in a Syria, translation, in the margin. 'file book of Daniel (including Su~.inna, and Bel and the Dngon) begins oil the first page of f. 1;3, and calls with f. 151.
The first volume of this codex was in the possession of Andreas Masius, but seems to have disappeared al his death in 1,573. It contained part of Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, the four hooks of Kings, Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, Judith, and part of '1'oltit. The extant volume was brought to the Anibrosian Library early in the 1;tI1 century from the monastery of S. Maria I >eipara in the desert of Scetis, as we learn from a note at the end, which Ceriani believes to le in the handwriting of Antonio Giggeo. It lay for a icing tittle unused, and attention ryas next called to it by Bianca in 176;. After lie, 19j6rnstMil, and De Rossi hall published descriptions .in(] specimens, it was exaiuined by Norberg in 1 7 78; and as a result he edited Jeremiah and I?zekiel. liugati published Daniel in 1788; leis Psalms appeared posthumously in 182o. Nliddeldorprs edition of Isaiali, tile Minor Prophets, Proverbs, Job, Canticles, Lamentations, and E.cclesiastes followed in 1835; and the series was continued liy Ceriani's edition of Baruch, lamentations, and tile Epistle of Jeremiah in Mon. .Sang et I'rojana, t. i. (1861). of even greater value than these editions is his photolithographic reproduction of the entire codex issued at Milan in 1874. Finally, the readings of tile Syriac codex have beep thoroiiglily examined and placed in comparison -with those of Greek hexaplar MSS. by Field in his great work oil the I Iexapla.
11r.rnjl1, VOL ii. PP- 567, 766 - 7; on 87 bus Codicern sumn 87 testem appellat Par- (1'arsons) lie writes (t(. p. 767): "superest sottsitis . ltartini a pattcis S1[1111iachi et Parsonsii Cod. 87 (live t'hi.tanus ii), tic quo Thcod,ttimus lectitnwidis qtias vcr,us lineiti in praecenti hoc union atiirtnareliossuuins libri idein ex eodcin codit:e (nohis 87") ex. eitni non esse celehrlni ilhon ('hi,iaitutn, cerpsit, coin Chi,ianitin (n"his 87) talihiis Hue proixittir, partim a lectionibus pro qui- accessionibus oninino carere constat."
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Two vellum fragment., making a quire of four leave, rash leaf measuring, when complete, about 51x31 inches. The first four pages contain portion- of Bel aid 1180 I)rtr~tn (vv. 2o-4t) according to Thetxiotion, in upright majuscules of the fifth if not the fourth century. Underneath these on pp. t, 2 ill Slightly sloping letters of perhaps the fourth century is a fragment of a (')homily containing a reference to matt. ix. 37-8 or Luke x. 2. ()n pp. 3, 4 the original hand had written some Latin 'rustic' capitals, among which the words PR1)CVRA'IOR, PR11('VRATlIRFS, or part of them, frequently occur; p. 5 has the letters DOM hf..., possibly referring to 1.. Donnitins Dotnitiantns, ant Egyptian pretender in the time of Diocletian 1.
The substance of this description is (lice to E. W. 1i. Nicholson, Esq., Librarian of the Bodleian, who has very kindly supplied a collation of the fragment of lie(, anti subsequently compared the proof of the notes with the X11. The scantiness of our uncial authorities for this part of the text of Theodotion's Daniel seentt·tl to justify the use of the Oxford fragment, which has been quoted as A. These interesting scraps were acquired by the Bodleian library in 1888, and carne from Egypt.
Conl:x VF:vF·rvs GR. r.A large folio vellum AIS., the leaves of which measure x61xtijinches; written in the sloping uncials of the eighth and ninth centuries, with the exception of certain portions of the text which arc in the round but artificial characters of the same period. The writing is arranged in double columns of 6o lines, with an average of 30 letters to the lillet. New sections begin with a letter (often an inch long) outside the column. The parchment varies in quality; it is usually thick but not coarse; some leaves however are too thin to take the ink readilys. '1 'he 1115. is gathered in quires of 8 leaves, bearing signatures which range from Kr (Vs) on f. t to *i (V-pr' V") on f. 153. 'thus the original Codex seems to have consisted of about 372 leaves, of which the first 2o8 have disappeared. The present volume begins with job xxx. 8 (Kai KAeos) and contains the rest of job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, both Wisdoms, the Minor Prophets (in the order Hos., Ain., Joel, ()b., Jon., Mic., Nah., Hab.,Zeph., Hag., Zech., Mal.), Isaiah, Jeremiah, Baruch, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel(with the apocryphal additions), Tobit, Jndith,andthe four Books of the Maccabees. After Daniel, andagainafter Olacc., the scribe has
1 Mr Nicholson adds: "P. 5 contains was written by one hand, Hosea to Isaiah upper writing consisting of fragments of xxvii. by a second, and Isaiah xxvii. to the ('r accounts in cursive Greek; oil 1 p. 6-8 end of the volume by a third. appear the l>cginningc or ends of lines in t A Icaf, once pasted inside the cover of slightly sloping (:reek majuscules (P 4th an earlier hinding, contaittsin aGreek hand century)." of the fifteenth or sixteenth century a list = A facsimile of Jeremiah xix.-xxi. may of the contents at that time, fntrn which be seen in Vattenbac't's s. rtPnrar crae- it ahLwars that the volume theft began cne zprciminrz (Berlin, 1883), tab. ix: cf. with 'lot,: 4-il fitf3Aot avrrf trrpe tkrt 'l,s, lb, 1>p 4, 5· *apotPias!oAofa-t,roc,K.r.A. hllo.termann s hl ,trelli recognises three hands, distin- (Analeclz, It. y f.) has shewn that there is guished by the colour of the ink as well ground for believing that (.'.,HI. Vat, gr. as by the varying merits of their calli- 21.16 (Ilohnes XI., Lag. N) was part of the graphy; Job xxx. 8 to end of Ecclesiastes original codex.
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copied from his archetype a chronological table reaching from Main to jimilliall 1, which iii the second and fuller foetn ends vis opov (cat. wW.) yipea0at aro xv Ta pover,at cwt Z8e irq boy (tot vied): the margin add., etatV (W; Zbe YT7t owe. An ornamental crass below these dates bears the inscription: Kvpte, )3orjOet (cert. -Bq) HaatAriep poPaxen riyovttepeu (curt. iy.) ris hapoY (sic, tot Vill) Tw ov~ypa'palgePetr T-qY jStpAOY TOYTnV (cod. T& St/fAiw TavTq); and beneath the cross is added : llapaxaAw e$xeoOat tivep't>cnlaipov gOVakov apaprwAou KaAatyparbov, apiiY. On ff. t63bt6q1> a minute hand has written the En,ebian canon..
This precious NIS. belonged to the library of Cardinal Bessarion, by whom it was given with the rest of his Greek codices to the library of Saint Mark's at Venice.
It was used for the great Rontan edition of t; S7, as the preface to that volume announces', and probably suit[flies in great part the text of the first three Books of the Maccabees, which are wanting in the Vatican codex. Specitttens of its readings were liberally produced by lartetti in his catalogue of the (creek n1SS. of St Murk's (Venice, l7.to'), and tile intportanee of the NIS. was recognised by Giac. Morelli, who described it at length in his account of the codices under his care. Stroth also gave some account of it in Eichltorn's A',75ertoJ-ium for 1781 (p. t8t). A collation of the whole AI S. was made for I lolmes and Parsons in 1789 1)), Geo. 'loega and Nieh. Schow; the correspondence -,which relates to this undertaking is still preserved in the Venice library. The Oxford editors, however, were not at first made aware that it was written in uncials, and it takes rank in their notes as a cursive under the number 2;. The prologues to the Prophets were printed by Tischendorf in his Anerdota sacra et projrua, pp. to3-g, Lilts. t8:5.
In the present edition Cod. V has been employed only for tile four Books of Maccabees, where the paucity of uncial testimony rendered it necessary to depart from the rule which prescribed the sole use of such MSS. as are accessible in published facsimiles and photograplts8. The four Books as given in V were collated afresh by the Editor of this work in the spring of triy;; but by the courtesy of Dr E. hlostermann he had been previously provided with a collation of the second Book, which that scholar hall made in 1892-3, and 1)r Klosternlann also kindly co>tpared the new collation of Books i.-iii. with his own. Where the two collations differed, all appeal was made to the notes of Ilolntes and Parsons.
t The words are: "Ex omnibus autcm teruallo accedunt, onus Uenetus ex bilrlio- libris eltti in xnanil,tts fncruut, onus hic theca tte,sarionis l'artlinalis, et is yuoyue [Vat. tar. tzc.gl ptae ahts mtrunt in grandioribtts lit teris scriptns;' &c. tnoalum institutaut ententlationetn adiuttit; " See Grncca I>. AJarci tfibtiotkrra Ixtst eeutt hero:dii duo jui ad eius nctu.ta- codf. rn,tnnsryr~nrum, pp. r-13. tern pruximi yuidettt sell longv proxiuti in- 8 (). !'. in Greek, i. p. xii.
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Tile NIS. has been correctcd lly the scribe himself or his rliw'Iholes (~'1), anti by a late hand ('.'), but the corrections with few exceptions affect only the Spellings.
FNAG51F:NTA TISC1tYNltOKFIANA LIRRI t1UAR'1'I MACCA1fAEttRt7.N1.Four leaves used in the binding of the I S. of the Acts, 1?pistles and Apocalypse known as Codex Portiriantts Chiovensis (I'), and published by 'fist hendorf with a facsimile of the writing in Mon. Sarr. vi. 339, 34of. Tischendorf ascribes the hand to the seventh century; but the characters, which are large, coarsely formed, and sloping, are suggestive of the ninth. The fragments (viii. 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 29; ix. 28-30, 31, 3z), brief as they are, present some peculiar readings, which seemed to justify their employment in the present edition.
The following 'MSS. have been used for the PSALMS OF SOLOMON.CODEX CASANATENSIs. A MS. on paper of cent. xii-xiv, consisting of 31o leaves, measuring 38'4 X 24'9 cm., and containing the Psalter with a catena, the Psalms of Solomon, and other Scriptural and liturgical collections. '1 'he Psalms of Solomon in this AIS. were collated for Professor Gebhardt by Dr J. Tschiedel.
CODEX FIAVNIFNSIs. A folio ISIS. of the xtth century, written in double columns. '1 'he volume was purchased at Venice in 1699, and in 1732 passed into the Royal Library at Copenhagen, where it is still preserved (no. 6). It consists at present of quires 11-39 of the original nIS., containing Job (with a catena), Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles (these three books with scholia), Wisdom of Solomon, Psalms of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus. A collation of the Psalms of Solomon was made by Professor Ryle in 1888 at Cambridge, where the TI S. was deposited for the purpose by the courtesy of the Copenhagen authorities. Professor Gebhardt has used another which is due to Ch. hraux 1.
CODEX IBERITtcUS. A:115.$ on paper of the 14th century belonging to the Iveron monastery (il pov~'I~tipwl·) oat Mt Athos; it contains job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes. Canticles. Wisdom, Sirach, and the Psalms of Solonum, followed by scholia on some of the books, and other patristic matter, Written ortxqpiut. Transcribed by I'll. iNleyer in 1886.
Consx LAURENsts. A NS. of the 12th century belonging to the Lavra monastery (/toY71 /ueyiOT11C Aatipat roZ ayiov 'ABaraoiov) on hit Athos. Its 31o leaves contain art exposition of tile Psalter, the Odes, the Psalms of Solomon, and a commentary on Canticles try Cyril of Alexandria. The Psalms of Solomon in this hl S. were collated for Professor Gebitardt by 'AAetar&pot Aavptairqs.
Cottl·.x TTOSttUENs1S. A thirteenth century TIS., consisting of 225 leaves measln-ing 13; X 11 inches, written in two or sometimes in three columns. The book contains Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Wisdom of Solomon, Psalms of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus; the first four Books are accompanied by catertae or
t See 1lir Psnlmrn .Salnmo's...von ()scar III SS. (p. 30 (f ). volt Gebllardt, Lciprlg, 1895. Dr Geb. I See Colnhng-ur If thc l;rcrk jry.S% nn hardt's IntnOucti_n contains a valwtl,le lilt Athos by 1 rofessor Lantbros, vol. ii., investigation into tile genealogy of tile P. log (C:uub. Univ. Press).
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acholia. This NIS. was brought to Moscow in 1653 from the monastery of heron at Nit Athos. A transcript of the Psalms was furnished to Professor Ryle and Dr James by the Arch imandrite 1VIadimir of Moscow, and a collation was made in 1874 by Professor Gebhurdt.
CODEX PARISINI'1. A quarto of 495 leaves written on paper in 1419, consisting of miscellaneous matter and containing later alia (ff. 224·--248·) the W isdotn and Psalm, of Solomon and Fccle,iasticus. The volume is preserved in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris, where it is numbered 2991 A. A collation was made for the Cambridge edition of the Psalms by the:bc Batiffol, of Paris, and another by Professor Gebhardt in 1877.
CoDEx ROMANUS (Vatilanus Gr. 336). This NIS. which is cited by Parsons as 253, and used by him for job, Proverbs, Canticles, and the two books of Wisdom, is a quarto vellum NIS. of the 12th century, containing in 194 leaves job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Wisdom, Psalms of Solomon, and Ecclesiasticus. The text of the Psalms of Solomon in the first edition of this volume was derived from a collation made by Dr E. hlostermann in 1893; in the present edition use has been made of the corrections and a few of the conjectural emendations supplied in Professor Gebhardt's book.
CODEX VINDOBONENIIS. A folio NIS. of the ttth century, written in double columns of 26 lines, and in a senniuncial hand. The volume, which is numbered Cod. Gr.Theol. 7, and was purchased at Constantinople in the sixteenth century, consists of 166 leaves, and contains job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles (with a catena so far), Wisdom of Solomon, Psalms of Solomon, Eccle,iasticus. '1 'he collation used by the Cambridge editors was communicated to them by Dr Rudolf Beer; for the present edition of this volume Professor Gebhardt's collation has also been available.
The text of ENOCH has been derived from the following sources:CODEX PANOPOt-ITANus. A :11 S. discovered in 1886 in a grave at Akhnnim, the Panopolis of Strabo. The volume contains (t) fragments of the Pseudo-Petrine Gospet and Apocalypse, (z) a large fragment of the (:reek version of the Book of Enoch; the latter, which is written in uncials of the 8th or 9th century, occupies 23 leaves and contains Enoch i.-xxxii.I Ch. xix. 3-xxi. g has been written twice, before ch. i. t as well as in its proper place; both texts are given in this edition, the detached fragment being pLIced at the foot of the page and distinguished by the symbol Ps. The text of I' in this edition has been obtained from 7)t. Bouriant's heliogravure in a1dtnoires Isublies bar les taentbres de la Mission Archa·ojqg-iqte A'ranjaist au Cairs, 1. neuviabne (Paris, 1892).
CODFA VATICANUS Gr. t8og, a tachygraphical NIS. described by Mai scr. vet. 1107). toll. vi., Ih'atj, p. 37, contains an excerpt from Enoch (c. Ixxxix) printed by Gildernei,ter (lD.1lC., ix., p. 621 ff.); a specimen of the tachygraphy may be seen in Mai pair. nnv. bibl. ii., ad iuil.; cf. Gitlhauer, Die Ueberrrsle griechticher %iuhygraphie int cod. vat. gr. 1809OVicn, 2878-1884).
Fragments of the Greek Enoch are preserved also in the Chronogt:aphy of I The hand changes at xiv. 22, but the temporary. writing, is consecutive and probably con-
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Georgius Syncelhrst (Frtoch cc. vi. t-ix. 4, viii.;-x. t4, xv. 8-xvi. t, and a short extract to which the Ethiopic version of Enoch yields no parallel). Theee are printed in the present volume at the fool of the Aklonhn text, in a smaller type. For Syncellus use has teen tnade of the edition of W. 1)indurft, who quotes two Paris DISS. (A, f3), and the readings of (:oar' s text (Syncs). The single fragment of Enoch preserved in the Epistle of St Jude is given as it stands in the text of Westcott and liort, but the readings of MAC are added in the apparatus.
'Fire Akhrniru text as reproduced in 111. Bouriants heliogravure ha, been collated afresh for this edition. Reference has also been made to Professor Dtllmann's paper r76erdett aeufutudettengriechlscken Text des Hetwck-Bttckes(in SitzttnVlerickle d. k. pr. Akrsdentie der !f'issenschajten zu Berlin, 1892); M. Lod's L ivra ,l'llfttock (Paris, 1892) and Mr Charles's Book rjEuoch, Oxford, 1893.
The Greek Psalters which supply the text of the ecclesiastical Canticles and of the notes upon them have been described in the preface to the second volume of this work (pp. viii-xii).
The pleasant duty remains of acknowledging the help which has been liberally rendered on every side. Official duties prevented the editor from devotitlg to this volume so much of his time as he was able to give to tile two volumes which preceded it. '1 'he greater part of tire preparatory work was therefore entrusted to two colleagues, the Rev. Forges Robinson, M.A., of Christ's College, and I1. 5t John Thackeray, I?,q., M.A., of King's College, whose assistance the Syndics of the Press kindly enabled him to secure. Air Robinson collated the photographs of BAQ as far as Jeremiah xxxvi., where his work was taken up by Air Thackeray, who completed the task, and also prepared the appendix of nn substantial variants. Without the patient air(] accurate labour of these fellow-workers the appearance of the third volume would have been delayed perhaps for several years. Students who use this volume will also owe a debt of gratitude to 111 Redpath arid to Dr Nestle, who continued their invaluable work of revision. hTr Redpath again read through tile proof,, with excellent results, arid Dr Nestle generously volunteered to recollate the -whole of tile sheets of the Prophets with the ph,rtograph of Ii. It may therefore be hoped that a near approach to perfect accuracy has been made so far as that Al S. is concerned. A similar service has been rendered dry 1)r C. I. 7icard, who has with scrupulous care compared the apparatus to Isaiah and Ezekiel with the facsimile of ( ), and the result of his labours has been to enrich the notes of this secottt~ edition with a large
t N.rrAoyq ~pornypat/~irtt mrvrayrinrt v,ro I)in<hrrfi, ltnnnae, r8zo (in NiOxrhr s Trwpyiov i,,o,·aVov ovyxeAAov y.yvvoroq corrotts .rf r. had. lil~rtttlittrtr). The pas. Tap ~o~v rrarptapxov tWYOraVrt~a-aAt 1v. sage. will be found in i. pp. ao tf., 42 tf l (ieurgius Syncellus ex reccnnione Uul. 46 f., 47.
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number of fresh particulars chiefly relating to the Ilexaplaric signs, as well as to correct errors which had found their way into the edition of 1894. In dealing with the textual difficulties of the second Rook of Maccabees the Editor was assisted by the Revised English Version and by a list of readings prepared for the use of the revisers, proofs of which were supplied to hitu 1>y the kindness of the late Dr Moulton. The publication of the Syriac version of 4 Maccabees' has thrown fresh light upon the Greek text of that book, and 1>r Barnes has generously compiled for the present edition a list of its most important readings, which will be found at the end of the Appendix.
The great scholar to whom this book owed its inception and its inspiration is, alas, no longer with us. But the recollection of Dr Ifort's keen interest in the progress of the work-an interest sustained to the last clays of his life-remains to give strength to those who have entered on the more arduous and responsible task of preparing the larger edition of the Cambridge Septuagint.
The death of Dr Ilort oil Nov. 3o, 1892, was followed within six month, by that of Professor Bensly, and the University has since been called to deplore the loss of Professor W. Robertson Smith. In each of these eminent Oriental scholars this undertaking found a warm friend. Professor Bensly was at the time of his death a member of the LYY. Committee, and lie had hoped to take all active part in the collection of materials for the larger edition. Professor Robertson Smith's deep interest in all that concerns the study of the Old Testament secured for the Cambridge Septuagint his steady support amp occasional but valuable assistance; within a few weeks of his death his counsel was sought upon some doubtful points connected with the: present voltttne, and most kindly given.
In conclusion, tile Editor desires to express his personal thanks to the Syndics of the University Press for the indulgence they have shewn to him during the course of a work which has necessarily been of slow and uncertain growth; to tile Septuagint Committee for their consideration of the questions which have from time to time been submitted to their judgement; and to the of7icers and workmen, especially the readers, of the Press, whose unremitting attention has brought the printing of these volumes to a successful end.
t The F'ourth Book ojAlaeeahees...erlifed durfion by lI'. F_. Barnes, D.D. (Cam- Ly the late l'r,f Bensly, with au Intro- bridge, r8o6).
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