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Caius, Presbyter of Rome
[Author Info]
Fragments of Caius
Calvin, John (1509-1564)
(54 classics)
[Author Info]
Three Volumes of Sermons
Calvin's Commentaries—Complete
Calvin: Commentaries
Harmony of the Law - Volume 1
Commentary on Joshua
Commentary on Psalms - Volume 1
Commentary on Psalms - Volume 2
Commentary on Psalms - Volume 3
Commentary on Isaiah - Volume 2
Commentary on Isaiah - Volume 3
Commentary on Isaiah - Volume 4
Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 1
Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 2
Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 3
Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 4
Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 5
Commentary on Ezekiel - Volume 2
Commentary on Daniel - Volume 1
Commentary on Daniel - Volume 2
Commentary on Hosea
Commentary on Joel, Amos, Obadiah
Commentary on Jonah, Micah, Nahum
Commentary on Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai
Commentary on Zechariah, Malachi
Commentary on John - Volume 1
Commentary on Corinthians - Volume 2
Commentary on Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians
Commentary on Hebrews
On the Christian Life
Institutio Christianae Religionis vol. 1
Institutio Christianae Religionis vol. 2
Of Prayer—A Perpetual Exercise of Faith. The Daily Benefits Derived from It.
Harmony of the Law - Volume 3
Commentary on Acts - Volume 2
Harmony of the Law - Volume 2
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
Commentary on Acts - Volume 1
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
Commentary on Corinthians - Volume 1
Commentary on Timothy, Titus, Philemon
Commentary on Psalms - Volume 4
Commentary on Ezekiel - Volume 1
Commentaries on the Catholic Epistles
Institutes of the Christian Religion
Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 3
Commentary on Psalms - Volume 5
Harmony of the Law - Volume 4
Treatise on Relics
Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 1
Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 2
Commentary on John - Volume 2
Commentary on Romans
Commentary on Galatians and Ephesians
Commentary on Isaiah - Volume 1
Campbell, John McLeod (1800-1872)
[Author Info]
Christian Hymn Book: A Compilation of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Original and Selected: Revised and Expanded
Nature of the Atonement
Cassian, John (360-435)
[Author Info]
Conferences of John Cassian
NPNF-211. Sulpitius Severus, Vincent of Lerins, John Cassian
Catherine of Genoa, St. (1447-1510)
[Author Info]
Life and Doctrine of Saint Catherine of Genoa
Catherine of Siena, St. (1347-1380)
[Author Info]
Dialog of Catherine of Siena
Chadwick, George Alexander (1840-1923)
[Author Info]
Expositor's Bible: The Gospel According to St. Mark
Expositor's Bible: The Book of Exodus
Challoner, Richard (1691-1781)
[Author Info]
Douay-Rheims Translation Challoner Revision
Charles, Robert. Henry (1855-1931)
[Author Info]
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English
Charnock, Stephen (1628-1680)
(6 classics)
[Author Info]
Discourse on the Cleansing Virtue of Christ’s Blood
Discourse of the Efficient of Regeneration
Discourse of the Word, the Instrument of Regeneration
Discourse of the Nature of Regeneneration
Necessity of Regeneration
Discourse of God's being the Author of Reconciliation
Chatfield, Allen W. (1808-1896)
[Author Info]
Songs and Hymns of the Earliest Greek Christian Poets
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936)
(27 classics)
[Author Info]
St. Thomas Aquinas
Everlasting Man
Innocence of Father Brown
Club of Queer Trades
Man Who Was Thursday
Trees of Pride
What's Wrong With the World
Wisdom of Father Brown
Man Who Knew Too Much
Napoleon of Notting Hill
Ballad of the White Horse
Tremendous Trifles
Ball and the Cross
All Things Considered
Short History of England
Superstition of Divorce
Tales of the Long Bow
Magic: A Fantastic Comedy
What I Saw in America
Victorian Age in Literature
Eugenics and Other Evils
Pre-Existence of Christ in Scripture, Patristics, and Creed
What is Right with the World
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (1993-)
[Author Info]
200 Midi Files
Eclectic Ethereal Encyclopedia
Eclectic Ethereal Encyclopedia
Chrysostom, John, St. (c. 347-407)
(9 classics)
[Author Info]
Comparison of power, wealth and advantages of the king with the Christian love to wisdom of monastic life
Exhortation to Theodore, After His Fall
To those who fight against the monastic life
NPNF1-09. St. Chrysostom: On the Priesthood; Ascetic Treatises; Select Homilies and Letters; Homilies on the Statutes
NPNF1-10. St. Chrysostom: Homilies on the Gospel of Saint Matthew
NPNF1-11. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans
NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
NPNF1-13. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon
NPNF1-14. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Gospel of St. John and the Epistle to the Hebrews
Church of England
[Author Info]
Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion
Clarke, Adam C. (1760-1832)
[Author Info]
Entire Sanctification
Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729)
[Author Info]
Discourse Concerning the Being and Attributes of God, the Obligations of Natural Religion, and the Truth and Certainty of the Christian Revelatio
Clarkson, David (1622-1682)
[Author Info]
Funeral Sermon on Dr John Owen
Clement of Alexandria (c.150-c.215)
[Author Info]
Exhortation to the Heathen
Stromata, or Miscellanies
Salvation of the Rich Man
Epistles of Clement
Clement of Rome, St. (?-99)
[Author Info]
First Epistle to the Corinthians
Ancient Homily. The Second Epistle of Clement
Two Epistles Concerning Virginity
Pseudo-Clementine Literature
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834)
[Author Info]
Aids to Reflection
Collins, An
[Author Info]
Divine Songs and Meditacions
[Author Info]
Instructions of Commodianus
Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis (1856-1924)
[Author Info]
Grammar of Septuagint Greek
Selections from the Septuagint
Grammar of Septuagint Greek
Cook, Frederick Charles (1810-1889)
[Author Info]
Bible Commentary: I Samuel-Esther
Bible Commentary: Exodus-Ruth
Bible Commentary: Proverbs-Ezekiel
Cook, Harriet N. (1814-1843)
[Author Info]
Scripture Alphabet of Animals
Cotton, John (1585–1652)
[Author Info]
Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power Thereof, According to the Word of God.
Cowper, William (1731-1800)
[Author Info]
Complete Poetical Works
Translations from the French of Madame de la Mothe Guion
Cox, Frances Elizabeth
[Author Info]
Hymns From the German
Sacred Hymns From the German
Cox, Samuel (1826-1893)
[Author Info]
Expositor's Bible: The Book of Ecclesiastes
Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556)
[Author Info]
Necessary Doctrine
Crosby, Thomas (1840-1914)
[Author Info]
Indian Methodist Hymn-Book
Cross, George, (1862-1929)
[Author Info]
Theology of Schleiermacher: A Condensed Presentation of His Chief Work, “The Christian Faith”
Cyprian, St. (c.200-258)
[Author Info]
Epistles of Cyprian
Treatises of Cyprian
Seventh Council of Carthage under Cyprian
Treatises Attributed to Cyprian on Questionable Authority
Cyril of Alexandria, St. (c. 378 - 444)
[Author Info]
Commentary Upon the Gospel of St. Luke: Volume 1
Commentary Upon the Gospel of St. Luke: Volume 2
Cyril of Jerusalem
[Author Info]
NPNF2-07. Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory Nazianzen